Well since lightlovetiptoes is busy with her own astanginess, I shall do the honours of posting the lovely food we enjoyed in Venice.
The night we arrived, it was well late, and most places were closed, so we got a quick bite at a local Venezian place. Here was our first encounter with a Bangali, first of many many, the waiter at the restaurant we ate at. He seemed apologetic about the food, specifying all those items we "can't" eat, as well as calling the fillet of fish a "mach'er ek tukra", if you get what he meant. He did of course suggest we have wine, justifying with his habit of drinking. We politely denied.
This is what we had that night:
The traditional Venezian dish of mussels in black sauce with spaghetti.

And LLTT had spaghetti in clam sauce :
The next day we had a grand lunch at an exquisite place, seemingly famous for it's fish. Turns out the chef there was Bangali!
What I didn't know before I went to Italy (very ignorant of me at that), was that Italians have a 3 course meal which they take separately.
The first course is some form pasta for example gnochi with blue cheese or pasta aribiata.

we had also ordered sardines in onions and oil and nuts.( I don't really know where that falls in to) (YUMMM, best dish of the trip)
The 2nd course is usually fish or meat with vegetables (boiled, saute'ed etc). We ordered the assorted fish one.

And of course finally they have desert, which we were too stuffed to have at that point although we did have gelato later. The Bangali chef (him too apologetic) explained how simple it is to make Italian food. Just grill and fry really. Lol. But it was good.
Random observation: there are millions of Bangali's mainly in the food and service sector, most of them sell flowers. We looked at them and thought "blood."